Short Stories

Not a fan of reading lengthy blogs? We won't let that stand in the way of your team’s transformational journey. Check out our short stories; we've used visuals and pictures to help you understand the lessons without boring you.

Sometimes Change Management is a game of Snake and Ladder. Do you agree?

How do you change behaviour in your team? There are 3 elements to that according to the COM-B model- Capability, Motivation, and Opportunity! Does your team member have these 3 … Read More

What are the roles every team going through Change or Transformation need? Which one is missing in your team?

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who are we, how can i help you

Why do we need this- We need to work on the people side of change because people are the ones who are directly affected by any changes that occur in an organization. Change can cause anxiety, fear, and resistance, and if these reactions are not addressed, it can lead to negative consequences such as low morale, decreased productivity, and increased turnover.

Working on the people side of change involves understanding the human factors that influence how individuals and groups respond to change. It involves communicating effectively, building trust, providing support, and involving employees in the change process. By doing so, organizations can minimize resistance and help employees adapt to change more easily.

working on the people side of change is essential because it helps to ensure that the desired outcomes of the change are achieved. If employees are not engaged and committed to the change, it is unlikely that the change will be successful. Therefore, it is important to focus on the people side of change to maximize the chances of success and minimize the negative impacts of change on the organization and its employees.

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Blogs and Stories

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My best speech of 2024- September edition

September 4, 2024 , Posted by: Admin

Earlier this year, I found myself facing a challenge that many of us dread: my driving exam. It was March, and as the day approached, I was almost certain I … Read More

Navigating Planning Fatigue- August edition

August 8, 2024 , Posted by: Admin

Hope you are having a nice summer break. Taking a break from work is nice and crucial. For me, more than work, taking a break from planning feels like the … Read More

An Introvert leader and a Reorganisation – July edition

July 10, 2024 , Posted by: Admin

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”- Mahatma Gandhi Reorganization within a company is a challenging time for all, but introverted leaders often face unique struggles. Their natural … Read More

What makes Change fun- Social Intelligence- June edition

June 7, 2024 , Posted by: Admin

Rob, an exuberant leader, felt drained and isolated as his team remained disengaged and unresponsive despite his enthusiasm. He wondered if they didn’t like him, if they were boring, or … Read More

Are you missing the Big Thinker in your team- May Edition

May 8, 2024 , Posted by: Admin

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” – Helen Keller Amidst the complexity of modern team dynamics in the workplace, team roles often supersede … Read More

Let’s learn about Anchoring bias- April Edition

April 8, 2024 , Posted by: Admin

A company initiates a reorganization of its marketing department aiming for a 40% increase in productivity within six months… Read More


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About MIM

There is no magic without a little bit of madness.

Method-im is created to stir up the world of change and transformation. What comes to our mind when we think of transformation? New ideas, new ways of working, new methods. But the one thing that is often ignored by corporations and leaders are the people. You can’t achieve a true transformation if the people in your group are resisting it.

Client Testimonials

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